Spritz the bowl before-you-go and no one else will ever know; Make bathroom odor nothing more than a whale of a tale with a pure blend of coconut freesia & citrus natural essential oils
The original non-toxic before-you-go toilet spray that stops bathroom odors before they ever begin - seriously! No more trying to mask odor already in the air!
Made in the good ole U S of A; up to 70 uses in the 1.4 oz. bottle
Why use chemicals when you can apply plant-based sprays? This distinctive blend of pure essential oils benefits your home in more ways than just the restroom — it’s effective against stubborn odors from laundry, nurseries, and waste bins.
Scientifically-tested bathroom deodorizing formula made of essential oils and other natural compounds - completely chemical-free! No harsh chemicals, aerosol, parabens, phthalates, or formaldehyde; all stink-fighting good stuff
Spritz the bowl before-you-go and no one else will ever know; Make bathroom odor nothing more than a whale of a tale with a pure blend of coconut freesia & citrus natural essential oils
The original non-toxic before-you-go toilet spray that stops bathroom odors before they ever begin - seriously! No more trying to mask odor already in the air!
Made in the good ole U S of A; up to 70 uses in the 1.4 oz. bottle
Why use chemicals when you can apply plant-based sprays? This distinctive blend of pure essential oils benefits your home in more ways than just the restroom — it’s effective against stubborn odors from laundry, nurseries, and waste bins.
Scientifically-tested bathroom deodorizing formula made of essential oils and other natural compounds - completely chemical-free! No harsh chemicals, aerosol, parabens, phthalates, or formaldehyde; all stink-fighting good stuff